What makes Hayden Different?

Whilst counselling can sometimes be demanding, painful and frustrating it can also be rewarding, enlightening and freeing. Hayden works using a range of creative ways and materials, finding ways to express our inner and outer worlds through the use of play in words, images, metaphors, use of stories, symbols, drawing, writing, films/media and archetypes. Whilst also working with what our bodies can inform us of and how we use the body's process to assist in bringing about change.


He recognises and is very much in contact with the importance of humour and laughter in life. Hayden brings a wealth of counselling and indeed life experience to the relationship enabling people he works with to feel safe enough to explore themselves on many differing levels.

Hayden recognises the limitations of counselling.
It is not a quick fix and requires a commitment from
both counsellor and client.

Sometimes there may be a small waiting list due
to demand. However if Hayden cannot help you,
he will endeavour to help you find a therapist
who may be able to.

hello@haydenkilpatrickcounselling.co.uk   |  © Hayden Kilpatrick